WHO we are:
Pediatric Interim Care Center, The Newborn Nursery, is a one-of-a-kind, model program that provides transitional 24-hour medical care for drug-exposed newborns.

WHAT we do:
PICC brings babies safely through withdrawal from the effects of prenata drug exposures, including heroin, methamphetamine, methadone, cocaine, and prescription opiates. The pioneering program also facilitates visitation for families, provides caregiver training, follows the babies after they leave, and offers a range of community outreach and education services.
WHERE we are:
The center is located in Kent, Washington, 20 miles southeast of Seattle.  PICC is the only 24-hour care center serving drug-exposed infants throughout Washington State. 
WHY we’re needed:
Addiction to fentanyl and methamphetamine have reached epidemic proportions in our community.  The often forgotten victims of these dangerous drugs are the babies who have been prenatally exposed to them.  Many of these little ones suffer serious effects and need the help that only PICC provides. 
HOW we’re funded:
PICC currently receives 42% of its $1.7 million budget from Washington State, but more than half (58%) comes from grants, fundraising events like the Walk for the Babies, and donations from caring people like you.